Company Profile
- One of the top 10 brokers in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
- Subsidiary of RHB Investment Bank
- Established in 1990
- Trades USD 490 Million worth stocks on an average annually

- Legacy 3rd party trading backend systems that lacked performance and features. Desktop application is the only available online channel.
- The app is rigid in terms of feature expansion and requires additional cognitive efforts in installing and using the application.

The solution for the above challenges is given in 3 parts.
Responsive Web App
- Built on rich HTML5 and JavaScript
- Asynchronous Node.js based non-blocking framework
- Price streaming using secure web sockets
- Cluster Mode webserver for handling high load and traffic
- Dashboard – Separate widget based dashboard for demo and trading user. It displays collective information and helps users make quick decisions and act on them just as fast.
- Live Trade & Streaming – Updates the traders with the price and actively trading stocks with a minimal latency as low as 1 second.
- Alerts – Set alerts based on stock prize and change values. The alert notifications are delivered via web app and e-mail.
- Stock Screener – Helps user in searching stock based on certain criteria
Trading Platform
- Market Data derivation from exchange feeds
- High Performance
- Robust and Scalable
- Seamless 3rd party integration
- Omni-Channel APIs
- 1 Million Information processed daily
- USD 2 Billion worth transactions processed
- 25 Thousand peak concurrent connections
- Integrate Multiple Backend Systems
- Manage App Versioning and Updates
- Provide Additional Security
- Manage Notifications
- Manage Configurations
An Omni-Channel platform interface that connects multiple FX systems to multiple access channels.

- USD 100 Million worth stocks traded
- 5000 + Unique users trading via this channel